Inspiration to integrate international solidarity and cooperation in policy preparation

16 February 2024

Local elections in Belgium are planned for October 2024. In many municipalities, there is limited budget and personnel for international cooperation or actions promoting international solidarity and justice.

Therefore the VVSG – Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities – has developed an inspirational guide on how to integrate international solidary in the policy planning process. The association gives an overview of the current international and national context and 7 reasons why local support for international solidarity is important (including the ‘what’s in it for me’).

In addition, VVSG gives concrete examples of available data, policy proposals administration can make towards their new council. This is topped with concrete examples from municipalities and exercises to support their own trajectory.

VVSG also made a 5 pager specifically for politicians. It includes argumentation and proposals to integrate local global policy in political manifestos and conversations.

The documents are only available in Dutch but can be downloaded freely from the VVSG website.

(Picture by Element5 Digital on Unsplash)

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