[EXPIRED] Opportunity to partner with a Ukrainian municipality

17 May 2021
CEMR and PLATFORMA are launching a new project “Bridges of Trust: Empowering municipalities in Ukraine and in the EU through partnerships” to help consolidate local democracy in the European Union’s eastern neighbour.

We are looking for 10 municipalities from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland or Slovakia to each partner with a Ukrainian peer for 18 months. The partnerships will feature study visits, traineeships and exchange of best practices in various areas. The project will provide financial, content and administrative support to the partnerships.

Eligible municipalities must have between 400 and 50,000 inhabitants and be non-metropolitan. For more detailed information, please consult our call for expressions of interest.

Interested municipalities should contact Yana Brovdiy, Project Officer, by 10 June 2021 in English, Ukrainian, German, French or Russian.
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