Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity

The Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI) is a network of local governments and other entities created in 2000 to coordinate interest and technical and financial resources for international cooperation for local human development.

  • It promotes the exchange of experiences between Andalusia and other points of the world geography.
  • It participates in the elaboration of regional, national and international strategies of international cooperation for development.
  • It links the actors of decentralised local Andalusian cooperation with those of other countries in the south and the north, and with communities immersed in processes of socioeconomic development, with the support of international cooperation.
C/ Morería, n. 2, 1º (esquina C/ Cruz Conde)
14008 - Córdoba, Andalucía, España


Juan Antonio García

Mayor of Bonares, Vice-president of the Huelva provincial council

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