Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) is an Association of local entities (city councils, county councils and insular town councils) headquartered in Madrid. One of its objectives is to promote friendship ties and cooperation between local Authorities and their organisations at international level, with particular focus on Europe, Latin-America and the Arab Countries.

In order to carry out its tasks, the FEMP has a number of Working Committees. The Development cooperation committee is structured as a forum with two main objectives:

  • to promote coordination and aid effectiveness by putting the emphasis on harmonisation and ownership principles, as set out in the declaration of Paris;
  • to promote the process of institutional strengthening of local governments in developing countries and facilitate the establishment of associations of municipalities.


The FEMP is the Spanish section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and houses the Latin American Organisation for Inter Municipal Cooperation (OICI).

Calle Nuncio 8
28005 - Madrid, Spain
Tel. : +34 91 364 37 00
Fax : +34 91 365 54 82
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