Position papers on the European Commission proposals for 2014-2020
On this page you will find the proposals elaborated by PLATFORMA in the framework of the reflection process on the 2014-2020 programming and on the European Commission regulation proposals for the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), for the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI) and for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
These position papers are the fruit of a reflection process on the way these instruments have been used until now by the cities and regions and on the impact of their actions on development.
The priority of PLATFORMA is to make sure that local and regional authorities, as well as their working domains, closely related to their competences, will be dully taken into consideration in the new programming and to propose adjustments in order to facilitate their participation in European development programmes. The position papers contain remarks and proposals for amendments.
The European Parliament has a very important role in the negotiations for the next financial framework, as it shares legislative power with the Council. For this reason, PLATFORMA has met and worked with MEPs member of the AFET Committee (Foreign Affairs), competent on questions related to the ENI and the EIDHR and of the DEVE Committee (Development), competent on questions related to the DCI. With the support of national associations of local and regional governments, similar work is conducted with the EU Member States in order to see our proposals integrated in their proposal to the Council.
This technical work is meant to strengthen the political advocacy of the platform, supported by the declaration adopted at the Florence Forum on 2nd and 3rd April 2012