Who we are

PLATFORMA is the pan-European coalition of towns and regions – and their national, EU and global associations – active in city-to-city and region-to-region development cooperation.

We are a hub of expertise on European local and regional governments’ international action, and aim at boosting European local and regional governments’ contribution to EU development cooperation policies and international frameworks.

Our Vision

We believe in a world where no one and no place is left behind, where citizens have ownership, confidence and trust in the policies implemented in their town and region.

Our Mission

Shaping EU development policy and international agendas

Together with our partners, we defend the role of towns and regions in EU development policies and international fora.

Raising awareness

We promote international cooperation between cities and regions across the world and boost capacity-building with our peers.

Providing a forum for collective intelligence

We facilitate knowledge exchange, peer-learning and experimentation of innovative approaches between towns and regions and their associations.


Throughout the world, towns and regions share a desire to learn and to exchange. At PLATFORMA, we transform that desire into a cooperative, global force for sustainable development.
Marlène Siméon
Director of PLATFORMA

How we work

5 clusters gathering practitioners around Decentralised Cooperation

Regular meetings of our local and regional elected representatives

Decentralised cooperation will be more and more needed given the current geopolitical context. PLATFORMA is there to help local and regional governments and territorial leaders facing these challenges, finding new narratives and revamping cooperations between the European Union and the rest of the World.
Fabrizio Rossi
CEMR Secretary General
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