World Urban Forum 12 in Cairo: Local governments driving sustainable urban transformation 

16 December 2024

At the 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo, CEMR’s session brought together representatives from cities such as Tbilisi, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Niš and Vantaa, to share their experiences in advancing sustainable urban development through Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs). These exchanges underscored the vital role of local governments in translating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into actionable strategies that deliver tangible results. 

Co-hosted with UN-Habitat, the city of Tbilisi, the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC), and the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), the session showcased examples of the new generation of action oriented VLRs, innovative tools like the RFSC’s self-assessment platform and EC JRC’s analysis of VLRs published to date. These resources empower cities to align their urban strategies with the SDGs and measure progress with precision. 

Moderated by Boris Tonhauser, Director of PLATFORMA, the discussions explored how VLRs enable cities to address pressing challenges, including water management, air pollution, and data gaps while enhancing their strategies through citizen engagement and evidence-based decision-making. By leveraging these tools and processes, cities are not only refining their local plans but also contributing to broader global goals with concrete actions. 

The session highlighted the essential role of multilevel governance and cross-sector innovation in addressing sustainability challenges beyond 2030. Key recommendations included revisiting SDG goals with a bottom-up perspective, prioritising cultural and citizen participation, and strengthening partnerships and support for cities engaged in VLR processes. 

As the 2030 deadline for the SDGs approaches, the discussions reaffirmed the transformative power of local governments to lead global efforts. Through collaboration, peer learning, and the use of practical tools such as the RFSC, CEMR and its partners continue to support resilient, inclusive, and climate-neutral cities.  

WUF12: Over 25,000 participants from 182 countries

The 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo set new records, with over 25,000 participants from 182 countries gathering to exchange ideas and solutions under the theme “It All Starts at Home.” The event concluded with the unveiling of the Cairo Call to Action, a document capturing the Forum’s key messages and proposed strategies for addressing urban challenges. By emphasising multilevel governance, citizen engagement, and innovative tools, WUF12 reaffirmed the transformative power of local action in shaping inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities. As the baton passes to Azerbaijan for WUF13, the momentum from Cairo serves as a powerful reminder of the critical role cities play in tackling global challenges.

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