A Majorcan library pioneer in creating an SDG laboratory based on Fons Mallorquí’s exhibition

4 July 2023

From 17 April to 19 May, the Es Rafal library in Sa Pobla (Spain), became a space to discover what the 2030 Agenda is and what its objectives are, through the exhibition of Fons Mallorquí “Committed to the 2030 Agenda”. A laboratory on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was created for schoolchildren in the municipality and more than 400 pupils have learned to identify the SDGs.

The exhibition was made up of five panels that invited the visitor to get closer to the 17 SDGs, as well as some of their targets. Each goal has specific targets that guide the authorities to achieve them, which should be achieved in the next ten years.

Based on the information provided in the exhibition, the manager of the library Malena Tugores, created an SDG laboratory so that the schoolchildren of the municipality could identify the SDGs in the books available in the library. This kind of laboratory is a way of learning and discovering developed around the idea of a story: in this case, stories that deal with some of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

As she explains, “together we created several corners, identifying the main SDGs that we have in the library”. The students were placing each book in the corresponding corner. “The activities of this laboratory have been adapted according to the age group of each school group that visited the library. For example, while the older ones were in charge of distributing the corners, the younger ones identified the colours of the SDGs, etc.,” points out the Librarian.

The activities were disseminated in the educational centres of Sa Pobla and 426 schoolchildren have gone through this initiative, a pioneer in Mallorca that demonstrates the effectiveness of Global Citizenship Education activities.

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