The Basque cooperation agents launch a campaign that highlights the capacity of cooperation to respond to global challenges
Within the framework of the Basque strategy for education for social transformation (H)ABIAN 2030, the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation, the three Provincial Councils, Euskal Fondoa, the municipalities of the three Basque capitals, the Coordinator of NGO’s of the Basque Country , NGOs, educational centers and agents from the world of communication, have started a communication campaign that aims to highlight international cooperation and solidarity in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.
To this end, various audiovisual materials will be disseminated that, from the perspective of development cooperation, will invite citizens to reinterpret their personal experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and will in turn show the differentiating value of development cooperation to respond to global challenges.
The campaign, which will last for two weeks, will also aim to bring life stories, testimonies and solidarity initiatives through the media that, outside our territory, are responding to the challenges of the pandemic using an inclusive approach and without leave no one behind.
More information on Euskadi website.
Durante la emergencia de la #COVIDー19 los agentes vascos de cooperación seguimos trabajando para hacer de este mundo un sitio más justo y solidario en el que nadie se quede atrás. #transformamoslasvidas #coooperacionvasca
— eLankidetza 🌎 (@eLankidetza) May 14, 2020