Cités Unies France sets a Solidarity fund for Lebanon

31 August 2020

On Tuesday August 4, two explosions destroyed the port of Beirut and affected a large part of the city. Anxious to support their Lebanese partners, the French local authorities have expressed their wish to come to the aid of the affected populations.

In response to this call for solidarity and thanks to close contact with the technical office of Lebanese cities (BTVL), Cités Unies France has decided to launch a solidarity fund for affected Lebanese local governments.

Cités Unies France is in close contact with the world secretariat of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) in order to envisage a common response from local governments on an international scale.

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact Simoné Giovetti, head of the International Mission, Europe and crisis ( and Virginie Rouquette, head of the local government support service and manager of the Lebanon country group at CUF

Check for updates on Cités Unies France website

(Picture by rashid khreiss on Unsplash)

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