FAMSI launches “GloClima: local governments and citizenship for climate in Andalusia”

3 February 2023

Over 120 local and provincial government partners of FAMSI will be the beneficiaries of an initiative that will contribute to the promotion and acceleration of public policies of Andalusian local governments to tackle climate change challenges, in the framework of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.  

The initiative is supported by the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda and the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 of the Government of Spain. 

In the framework of the project, different activities will be developed to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals in the municipalities: institutional declarations to face up climate change; tools for local governments to design and implement ‘Municipal Plans against Climate Change’; training, awareness-raising and communication involving citizenship; financial support to 15 transformative initiatives in the territories related to sustainable mobility, energy communities and sustainable food systems, as well as dissemination of good practices, resources and meetings related to the objectives of the project.  

The first meeting of ‘GloClima’ project will take place in February. This initiative is part of FAMSI’s work to promote the implementation of the SDGs at the municipal level. Among other results, several tools are already available to facilitate the approach to the 2030 Agenda and its implementation in the territories: the ‘Practica ODS’ pack, the www.odslocalandalucia.org website and the ‘SDG resource bank’. 

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