Fons Mallorquí opens a call for micro-projects to raise awareness in the field of Education for Global Citizenship

30 June 2020

The Executive Committee of Fons Mallorquí gave the green light on 9 June to a call that will dedicate a total of 9,000 € to finance new activities on awareness raising.

Applications may be submitted to finance initiatives that train, inform, sensitize and influence the public on issues related to the lines of work of Fons Mallorquí. More specifically, the call is open to microprojects on Gender Equality, Responsible Consumption, Water and Climate Change. The SDG’s must be transversal to all projects.

Fons Mallorquí understands as awareness-raising projects that aim to promote critical citizen awareness in the field of development cooperation and international solidarity, which can ultimately contribute to social transformation. For Education for Global Citizenship it understands that socio-educational process that promotes a critical, responsible, committed and active, personal and collective citizenship, with the transformation of global and local reality to build a fairer, more equitable and more respectful world with diversity and with the environment, in which all people can develop freely and satisfactorily.

In order to respond to the current reality of isolation and / or social distance, the proposals must be able to adapt to non-contact formats and / or in accordance with the regulations on physical distance, if conditions require it. It should also be borne in mind that the activities of the project must be able to be directed to various sectors of the population, since they must be able to be indiscriminately requested by educational centers, libraries or municipalities.

Projects can be submitted between 1st and 31st July at the offices of the Fons Mallorquí or by email

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