Fons Mallorquí: three emergency projects to reduce the effects of COVID-19 in southern countries

23 April 2020

Three emergency projects have been approved by the Executive commission of Fons Mallorquí to reduce the effects of COVID-19 in southern countries. One in support of refugees and displaced persons in Kabul (Afghanistan), one on a humanitarian aid for the care and prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in La Arena (Peru) and one on the Mitigation of risks of COVID-19 infection and the impact on the public health system in Say (Niger).

Refugees and displaced persons in Kabul (Afghanistan)

The Kabul project has been presented by the NGO HAWCA and aims to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 and provide emergency preventive measures to the poorest families in the capital, especially those in the four refugee camps and Kabul IDPs: Char Rahi Qamber, Shahrak Police, Bagrami and Kochi Aabad.

Most of the population of these camps has no source of income, depends largely on the help of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations to survive and there is a high incidence of health problems due to the precarious living conditions and lack of resources. The project has a budget of €20,000 with which it is planned to provide care to 500 families. Some of the main activities will be the acquisition of antiseptics and disinfectants and their distribution and treatment of infected people.

Humanitarian aid in La Arena (Peru)

The COVID-19 pandemic is also growing exponentially in Peru. In the Piura region, at the beginning of April, in just 12 days the number of infected multiplied by 10 and the number of dead almost by 20. This situation complicates the weak health system in the area, which lacks equipment protection for staff caring for those affected by COVID-19 and tools to detect the disease. In the La Arena district, in addition to the lack of protective materials, there are no adequate facilities to accommodate the large number of people who come to the health center with symptoms of the disease.

On the other hand, although the country’s government decreed a quarantine period until April 26, the population does not strictly comply with the established rules of social isolation. In this scenario, the project aims to strengthen La Arena’s rural health system to prevent it from collapsing as new cases are detected, as well as to support local surveillance agents to control the movements of people and vehicles. The Mallorcan Fund will allocate 22,748.89 to this project presented by CIPCA, which will directly benefit 105 health workers, 350 members of the peasant rounds and 10 representatives of the public safety committee and, indirectly, the 38,734 inhabitants of La Arena.

Mitigation of risks and impact on the public health system in Say (Niger)

Finally, the Peace Cooperation Assembly and its counterpart DIKO have presented a project to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 infection and the impact on the public health system of the Say department in Niger, which serves a population of 316,439 people. The Executive Committee of the Malloquí Fund has decided to approve 25,000 euros for this project to install 180 devices for washing hands in public spaces, and disinfection and cleaning products will be provided, as well as protection material for medical and cleaning staff. health centers.

In addition, the capacity of 145 workers working in the hospital, 12 health centers and 37 dispensaries in the area for the prevention and management of cases of COVID-19 will be strengthened. At the same time, support will be given to the Say health district to carry out epidemiological monitoring of the disease and to carry out the multisectoral coordination meetings planned by the Ministry of Health in all departments of the country. Finally, it is proposed to raise public awareness of measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic through posters in public spaces and the issuance of radio wedges.

It is worth remembering that the Mallorcan Fund allocates 10 percent of its budget to emergency projects and that the call remains open until it is exhausted. The approval of these projects shows, now more than ever, that governments and local entities are the ones who have the means to provide local answers to global problems.

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