How towns, regions and their associations can contribute to the 2021-2027 EU Programming

27 November 2020

The forthcoming new Neighbourhood, Development, International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), still under negotiation, reinforces the geographical approach of EU development policy. This means that most EU funding opportunities for Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) will now be channelled through EU Delegations (EUD) across the world, at country level. 

In line with these guidelines, PLATFORMA calls on EU Delegations to consider LRGs and their associations as key drivers for change in the development sector, and as partners in the programming of EU priorities. Through different modalities of action, LRGs and their national associations can effectively contribute to the five priorities of the European Commission for 2019-2024 and beyond, including on the green geal, digitalisation, an  economy that works for people, the migration partnership, governance, peace and security.

Read the full policy position.

(Photo by Lena Balk on Unsplash)

Useful documents

PLATFORMA EU Programming Position Paper
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