Interested in joining our learning course on SDGs and Decentralised Cooperation?

26 April 2024

From 3 June to 28 July, the course “Localizing the SDGs through Decentralised Cooperation: tools for projects, policies and partnerships” will be held. It is the second moderated online training organised by UCLG and PLATFORMA. Apply for free registration until 26 May!

The online course, free of charge and available in English, French and Spanish, is preferably aimed at local and regional technical and political decision-makers in the fields of international relations, public policy management or any other field of local government work related to decentralized cooperation and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

This training is based on the Module 4 on localising the SDGs, organised by UCLG and PLATFORMA, with the collaboration of the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF), UN-Habitat, UNDP and the Barcelona Provincial Council, to train and provide tools for the development of Decentralized Cooperation (DC) strategies for projects and policies based on the SDGs.

A total of 35 places are available for each of the three languages (English, French and Spanish). The course is open to all members of any nationality and will seek to ensure a balanced composition in terms of gender and representation of countries and regions.

The training will have a total duration equivalent to 65 teaching hours.

Apply by 26 May for the course in English, French or Spanish.

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