“A look at Burkina Faso” – Film projection by Fons Mallorquí

5 October 2020

Fons Mallorquí is organising a new film projection on October 7, 8 and 9 in Cineciutat. This time, the focus will be on Burkina Faso, an African country where the Fund has been developing projects since 2002.

The Mallorcan Fund, in collaboration with the Al Tarab Foundation for the dissemination of African cinema and Cineciutat, wants to make Burkina Faso known to the members of the entity and to the general public. Through two short films and a documentary, it presents some of the realities of this African country, where the Fund carries out municipal development projects.

Since 2002, the Fund has been working in the Department of Tenado, Burkina Faso, supporting natural resource management processes, improving production systems for sustainable economic growth, improving access to basic social services (health and education), and strengthening institutional capacities and community participation, especially of women and women’s associations.

Burkina Faso is considered one of the poorest countries in the world, with a gross per capita income of only $ 1,650 per year. The high rate of population growth and the aridity of the soil are decisive factors in the poverty rate. Lack of work causes a very high emigration rate. The economy is based on agriculture and livestock, to which 80% of the active population is engaged. Desertification and deforestation, due to climate change, have intensified in recent decades, with reduced rainfall and increased extreme weather and wind erosion.

The films that make up the show “A Look at Burkina Faso” focus on some of these aspects. Thus, on the 7th, you will be able to see “Wallay”, which describes everyday life in Burkina Faso through the eyes of Ady, a thirteen-year-old boy. During the second session you will be able to see the two short films “Hasaki Ya Suda” and “Plou a Ouaga“. Finally, on Friday the 9th, the documentary “In the heart of Ouagadougou” will be screened, which shows the lives of more than 2,500 people who are in subhuman conditions in a granite quarry.

All movies will be screened at 7 p.m.

More information on Fons Mallorqui‘s website.

These projections are organised in the framework of PLATFORMA activities, co-funded by the European Union, under the European Days of Local Solidarity (EDLS).

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