Mallorca: four new Global Citizenship Education projects have started

2 May 2023

The General Assembly of partner entities of Fons Mallorquí, held last March, approved four Global Citizenship Education projects within the call for 2023, which have been launched in April. Some of these projects take the form of awareness-raising activities that can be consulted and requested through the Mallorca Fund website.

This is the case of the activities that derive from the “Fair Trade and 2030 Agenda” project, presented by Casal de la Pau: two storytellers, a workshop and an exhibition that want to make Mallorcan consumers aware of their power to change the rules of international trade through fair trade and thus combat the mechanisms that consolidate poverty, inequality between global north and south and ensure environmental sustainability. Also, the storyteller “Uwamahoro, the African girl”, which is part of a wider project of the same name presented by Taula per Rwanda which aims to empower a group of Rwandan women.

Another of the novelties that is available to Fons Mallorquí members is the game “The harvest of the future”, presented by Treball Solidari, which aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among municipal education technicians in order to reflect on the inequalities caused by the global system, mainly related to climate change.

Finally, Fons Mallorquí will promote, together with Trobada Marroquina, a project on Conviviality tables (Taules de convivència), an initiative to address problems of coexistence in communities and seek long-term solutions. The coexistence panel includes representatives from local authorities, the community and other interest groups, and will feature coexistence experts and local media representatives.

The activities derived from the new projects are added to other awareness-raising resources focused on stimulating the active and critical participation of citizens and equipping them with tools to combat climate change, make responsible consumption, achieve true gender equality and learn about in depth the causes and consequences of migratory movements in the world. All this, always linked to the achievement of the SDGs, specifically to the goals defined as priorities in the GCE strategy of the Majorcan Fund: SDG 5: Gender equality; SDG 10: Reduction of inequalities; SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production and SDG 13: Climate action.

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