PLATFORMA 2nd Position paper on the NDICI

19 April 2019

The future Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) will bring important changes to the architecture of EU external aid. The increasing importance of geographic programmes and the absence of a specific programme and related budget line to support Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) will undermine their capacity to localise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To avoid this outcome, PLATFORMA, the pan-European coalition of local and regional governments and their national, European and global associations active in the field of development cooperation, presents a series of recommendations to empower local and regional governments as key players of EU development cooperation. This document completes PLATFORMA 1st position paper developed last summer, following the proposal of the European Commission in June 2018.

Read the full position paper here.

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2nd Position paper on the NDICI
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