Project 8/12: Lille (France) – Oujda (Morocco)
For the second time, PLATFORMA has decided to reward the best city-to-city and region-to-region international cooperation projects. Twelve projects have been shortlisted out of 26 applications. Every day, we are presenting one new project (sorted by alphabetical order). This is how Lille in France is presenting its partnership with Oujda in Morocco.
“The Decentralised Cooperation Project for Sustainable Energy (abbreviated in French to PCD-ED), a three-year project spearheaded by the City of Lille and the Municipality of Oujda since 2016, has received the support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior within the framework of the joint support fund for Franco-Moroccan decentralised cooperation.
It falls within the framework of the energy policies and strategies of the two cities and aims to improve the energy efficiency of the two cities’ buildings and promote the use of renewable energies. The two local authorities have developed a cross-sectoral approach that brings on board a wide range of actors (public structures, economic actors, academics, civil society).
Most of the actions carried out are based on exchanges and training between equivalent structures in France and Morocco. The project is hinged around three main areas of focus:
Exchanges of practices between local authorities: improvement of the energy efficiency of municipal buildings by adopting energy consumption monitoring and equipment optimisation measures thanks to exchanges of skills, training between departments and awareness-raising among building users.
Citizenship component: improving the energy efficiency of private buildings by rolling out initiatives to raise awareness among residents with the support of the local associative fabric and the backing of State partners. Creation of a Climate Energy Information Unit open to the public in Oujda, inspired by the model of the Sustainable Housing Centre in Lille. Recruitment and training of a consultant thanks to the support of ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency). Publication of a guide to disseminate Oujda’s experience in setting up a climate energy information unit.
Academic and economic component: training and qualification of the private sector. Baggio High School in Lille is working with IFMEREE in Oujda (Institute for Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) to develop cross-training courses for students. The two institutions are also working on the implementation of continuing training courses for professionals in Oujda, inspired by the PRAXIBAT module offered at Baggio High School. On the economic side, the CD2E, a centre specialising in the development of eco-enterprises, is tasked with supporting the development of eco-activities in the Hauts-de-France Region and their export abroad. Within the context of the PCD-ED, the CD2E helps companies with their globalisation efforts in Morocco.
By not restricting itself to exchanges between municipalities and also involving economic players, training centres, associations and users, this pilot project has kick started a lasting dynamic in both territories beyond its scope of implementation.
The project has also served as a springboard for more sustainable and extensive cooperation in the field of energy and the fight against climate change.
Finally, promoted on the occasion of major events such as the COP22 in Marrakech in 2016, the PCD-ED has served as a tool to highlight the joint commitment of two local authorities against climate change and has demonstrated the interest of international decentralised cooperation in this field.”