Our partners exchanged with the EU Delegation to Morocco

Representatives of the EU Delegation to Morocco shared their experiences regarding collaboration mod...
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The UN refugee agency draws attention to SALAR’s international work as a good example

Through SKL International, SALAR supports municipalities in Turkey and Lebanon that have received mi...
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How to plan for inclusive and sustainable urban transport

Creating inclusive, safe and affordable transport for all is one of the targets of Sustainable Devel...
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SALAR promotes municipal learning, experience exchange and co-production on migration related urban challenges

Over the last three years, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions’ (SALAR) Resilienc...
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SALAR hopes to inspire cities wishing to embark on the journey to sustainability

In the new publication Implementing Agenda 2030 through SymbioCity – Experiences from cities o...
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Local government takes a seat at the UN table

75 years already! That’s how long it’s been since the creation of the United Nations, an organis...
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Focus on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development during SALAR’s International Day

On January 20th, our partner SALAR organized its International Day 2020 in Stockholm. More than 180 ...
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Outcomes from first CIB & PLATFORMA country coordination calls (Ukraine and Morocco)

In the week of the 24th of June, CIB and PLATFORMA jointly organised country coordination calls on U...
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Reslog – fostering local governance resilience in Akkar governorate in Lebanon

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) is implementing a Sida-funded proje...
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Digital transparency – measuring development and progress at the local level in Colombia

In Columbia, a digital portal has recently been published that will help monitor the implementation ...
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Who deserves the European prize for regional and local politics?

Submissions are now open for the Emperor Maximilian Prize 2017, the European prize for regional and ...
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“Local governments need a seat at the negotiation table!”

Local governments want a seat at the Habitat III negotiation table. That is the message CEMR and PLA...
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