
1 April 2016

12-13 May (Paris, France) : AFCCRE-ALDE – Public event “Capitalisation of the European Year for Development: the added value of Decentralised Cooperation to promote local governance”
16-17 May (New York, USA): Global Task Force, Habitat III Hearings for Local Authorities
19 May (Paris, France): Cités Unies France, workshop on the resilience of decentralized cooperation partnerships in the areas at risks
19-20 May (Istanbul, Turkey): Annual meeting of the UCLG Capacity and Institution Building Working Group 2016
23-34 May (Istanbul, Turkey): UN World Humanitarian Summit
26-27 May (Bordeaux, France): AFCCRE – Training session on twinning and partnerships (Exchanging, cooperating, moving in Europe)
26-28 May (Kazan, Russia): UCLG Executive Bureau
14 June (Brussels, Belgium): PLATFORMA event “Integrated territorial partnerships and SDGs: how to leave no one behind”
15-16 June (Brussels, Belgium): European Days for Development 2016

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