Fons Mallorquí puts in the spotlight the Arab and Mediterranean cinema

27 April 2018

In the framework of the activities of the 25th anniversary of Fons Mallorquí, an Arab and Mediterranean Film Cycle is organized every Thursday from 3 to 24 May at Cineciutat.

For some years now, the Mediterranean is the scene of one of the direst consequences of wars and poverty: migration and forced displacement of thousands of people. The reality of people who have to flee their home countries is very harsh. In some cases, situations of displacement and refuge last for many years, and they suffer constant violations of human rights in their exodus and escape routes.

With the aim of giving visibility to the different causes that lead a person to flee from its place of origin and to know the consequences and the risks that this implies, Fons Mallorquí is organising the Arab and Mediterranean Film Cycle, with the collaboration of Cineciutat and Sodepau.

This cycle opens, for the first time, a window on the Arab cinema in Mallorca. Quality movies have been selected that reflect the dreams, worries, contradictions and conflicts of people who cross the Mediterranean, with an eye to the most rabid news. This offers a deep look that helps us to better understand the present.

The programming of the cycle includes experiences of exile, migration and refuge, and it does so from a point of view that, unfortunately, is unusual: that of its protagonists.

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