Internationalization | Resilience and Reconstruction at REPIT meeting

13 September 2024

The Network of Experts in Paradiplomacy and Territorial Internationalization (REPIT) will hold its third Meeting, on “Resilience and Reconstruction”, in Foz de Iguazú (Brazil, 20-22 November), with the participation of PLATFORMA.

In the framework of the Meeting of Studies on Paradiplomacy and Territorial Internationalization, held in 2019 in the city of Córdoba (Argentina), REPIT was created as a space for professional and academic exchange on matters related to the international activities of subnational governments. The network is made up of professionals from more than 15 countries, with the aim of promoting research, training and knowledge dissemination on Paradiplomacy and Territorial Internationalization, as well as linking with policy and academia.

REPIT believes that globalisation has triggered a series of transnational problems –climate change, forced migration, economic-financial recession, pandemics… – beyond national borders. In response to this globalized environment, non-central governments have recognized the need to address and intervene in these challenges at the international level. Paradiplomacy has thus become a key strategy, allowing for direct relations between cities and regions to address both global and specific problems. REPIT meetings act as a space for a scientific-based discussion on the current analysis of paradiplomatic practice, as well as on the theoretical approaches that account for this phenomenon.

Through the Government of Catalonia, PLATFORMA was present at the REPIT founding meeting, and the project “Training of regional civil servants in internationalisation and development cooperation”, promoted by this PLATFORMA partner since 2018, has established a solid connection with the REPIT network. This has allowed for the incorporation of REPIT experts into the training activities undertaken within the framework of the project, and will continue in the current phase of PLATFORMA.

The coordinator for PLATFORMA of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Javier Sánchez, will participate in the official programme of this third Meeting, and will also present a contribution on the current conceptual debate on decentralised cooperation.

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