The prizes of the 2nd Short Committed Films’ Competition just awarded

31 January 2020

“Losing my mind” (“Perdiendo el juicio”), by Mario Ventura and Nacho Bonet of the Bendinat High Scholl (Balearic Islands, Spain), is the winner of the 2nd Contest of Short Committed Films, organised by Fons Mallorquí. This is a work on gender-based violence that the jury found worthy of the first prize.

The two other finalists are “The sidewalks on the board”, directed by José Juan Guijarro, of the Son Pacs High School and “Conserve and survive”, by Hugo Moya, student at the school Pius XII.

Participation was open to all schools in Mallorca and a total of seven short films were submitted to the competition. The jury in charge of choosing the three winners was formed by the president of the Cultural Association, Mèdit, Jaume Fiol and Fons Mallorquí awareness-raising officer, Magdalena Tortella.

The most important requirement for entering the competition was that the theme of the work be related to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as the competition is part of the campaign’s “Committed to the 2030 Agenda“, through which the Fons Mallorquí brings training and awareness-raising activities for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Mallorca.

The winning short movie, “Losing my mind”, tells the story of Lucia and her relationship with her boyfriend, and refers to SDGs 4: Quality Education, 5: Gender Equality, 10: Reducing Inequalities and 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

The second-prize “The Sidewalks on the Board” shows how each decision made by many changes the life of other people, who may not want to play with the same rules. It encompasses a set of SDGs, such as: 1: No poverty, 2: Zero hunger, 3: Good health and well-being, 4: Quality education, 5: Gender equality, 10: Reduced inequalities, 16: Peace, Justice and strong institutions; 17: Partnerships for the goals.

Finally, the third finalist, “Conserve and Survive,” refers to the SDGs 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 7: Clean and Affordable Energy, 13: Climate Action, 14: Underwater Life, 15: Ground Life and 17: Alliance for Targets.

The three winning short films can be watched on Fons Mallorquí’s Vimeo channel.

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