2AFCCRE+French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and RegionsLearn more
4ALAL or LSA+Association of Local Authorities in LithuaniaLearn more
5AUC+Association of Ukrainian citiesLearn more
7CALM+Congress of Local Authorities from MoldovaLearn more
10CUF+Cités Unies FranceLearn more
14FEMP+Spanish Federation of Municipalities and ProvincesLearn more
17LALRG+Latvian Association of Local and Regional GovernmentsLearn more
18LBSNN+Landelijk Beraad Stedenbanden Nederland-NicaraguaLearn more
19NALAG+National Association of Local Authorities of GeorgiaLearn more
20NALAS+Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East EuropeLearn more
22RGRE+Rat der Gemeinden und Regionen EuropasLearn more
23SKR/SALAR+Sveriges Kommuner och RegionerLearn more
25VNG International+International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands MunicipalitiesLearn more
26VVSG+Association of Flemish Cities and MunicipalitiesLearn more
8CCRE/CEMR+Council of European Municipalities and RegionsLearn more
3AIMF+International Association of French-speaking MayorsLearn more
9CLGF+Commonwealth Local Government ForumLearn more
24UCLG/CGLU+United Cities and Local GovernmentsLearn more
1AEXCID+Extremadura Agency for International Development CooperationLearn more
6Brussels-Capital Region+Brussels-Capital RegionLearn more
11DIBA+Province of BarcelonaLearn more
12EUSKADI+Basque CountryLearn more
13FAMSI+Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International SolidarityLearn more
15FM+Majorcan Fund for Solidarity and CooperationLearn more
16GENCAT+Government of CataloniaLearn more
21PARIS+City of ParisLearn more
1AEXCID+Extremadura Agency for International Development CooperationLearn more
2AFCCRE+French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and RegionsLearn more
3AIMF+International Association of French-speaking MayorsLearn more
4ALAL or LSA+Association of Local Authorities in LithuaniaLearn more
5AUC+Association of Ukrainian citiesLearn more
6Brussels-Capital Region+Brussels-Capital RegionLearn more
7CALM+Congress of Local Authorities from MoldovaLearn more
8CCRE/CEMR+Council of European Municipalities and RegionsLearn more
9CLGF+Commonwealth Local Government ForumLearn more
10CUF+Cités Unies FranceLearn more
11DIBA+Province of BarcelonaLearn more
12EUSKADI+Basque CountryLearn more
13FAMSI+Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International SolidarityLearn more
14FEMP+Spanish Federation of Municipalities and ProvincesLearn more
15FM+Majorcan Fund for Solidarity and CooperationLearn more
16GENCAT+Government of CataloniaLearn more
17LALRG+Latvian Association of Local and Regional GovernmentsLearn more
18LBSNN+Landelijk Beraad Stedenbanden Nederland-NicaraguaLearn more
19NALAG+National Association of Local Authorities of GeorgiaLearn more
20NALAS+Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East EuropeLearn more
21PARIS+City of ParisLearn more
22RGRE+Rat der Gemeinden und Regionen EuropasLearn more
23SKR/SALAR+Sveriges Kommuner och RegionerLearn more
24UCLG/CGLU+United Cities and Local GovernmentsLearn more
25VNG International+International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands MunicipalitiesLearn more
26VVSG+Association of Flemish Cities and MunicipalitiesLearn more
French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions -
Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania -
Association of Ukrainian cities -
Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova -
Cités Unies France -
Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces -
Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments -
Landelijk Beraad Stedenbanden Nederland-Nicaragua -
National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia -
Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe -
Rat der Gemeinden und Regionen Europas -
Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner -
VNG International
International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities -
Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities
European networks
Global networks
Local and regional governments
Extremadura Agency for International Development Cooperation -
Brussels-Capital Region
Brussels-Capital Region -
Province of Barcelona -
Basque Country -
Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity -
Majorcan Fund for Solidarity and Cooperation -
Government of Catalonia -
City of Paris